An AC induction motor mostly run in Delta mode which leads to more power consumption whether run by a DOL starter or a Del-Star starter. Though underloaded, it runs in Delta mode only. In fact, it should run in Star mode to save electricity.
A false Mindset is that running a motor is Star mode will lead to a permanent damage. If that is so, then why the manufacturers provide a Star connection on the motor?
There are two ways to connect a machine to the mains supply:
In Delta connection, the consumption is 3 times the Star connection.
So now if we want to save electricity, an underloaded motor should be made to run in Star mode. Below is an energy saving panel which does the work for you.
Product Function:
The Del-Star converter panel converts from Delta to Star and viced-versa depending on the value of power set in the controller. If the power goes above the set value, the motor runs in Delta mode and if the power goes down below the set value, the motor runs in Star mode.
When we start the panel, initially, it starts in Star mode only and if the controller detects a value of power above the set value, it will switch to Delta mode. A delayed-ON timer is provided to avoid instant switching. If the controller detects a value below the set value, it will again switch to Star mode.
So, which underloaded AC motors are the perfect candidates for Del-Star converter panels?
Any underloaded AC motor which is not loaded to more than 50% of its capacity is a proper candidate for a Del-Star converter panel.